MNOAOS Zach and I, with my trusty C49DRSACTR, made the pilgrimage to the museum to capture and document the extemporaneous thoughts and comments of the children who came to visit the museum and specifically to the SMARA Club Radio Station.
Club President Mike KB2VQS had the primary HF station set up to emphasize digital PSK31 communications while James N2UZQ had a straight key rigged to a computer to not only hear the Morse letters tapped out but also to see them on a monitor. Tony W2BEJ was the official greeter, host and refreshments guy who steered the kids into a state of high caloric wonder.
While the kids were mesmerized by the ham gear (Remember, they've never seen this stuff before so it's new and absolutely amazing to them!), I slipped my cheap RadioShack microphone in close to preserve any gasps of wonderment!
Zach is the host of this week's ZOOM DAY Random Access Thought which can be heard via podcast, shortwave radio and maybe even over your local repeater on This Week in Amateur Radio and This Week in Amateur Radio International. .
.So download this week's This Week in Amateur Radio Ham Service and the TWIARi Broadcast version, or even better connect to http://www.twiar.org/n2fnh/RATParts Look for file number RAT081112_ZOOM_BCQ.cab or RAT081112_ZOOM_HAM.cab, right click and "Save Target As" to your hardddrive. Use your WinZIP or IZArc to extract the select RAF audio WAV file inside!
Source is N2FNH Random Access Thought. http://randomaccessthought.blogspot.com/
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